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Product Inspection
Production Process Check (PPC)-From $238/MD >
Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI )-From $238/MD
Container Loading Supervision (CLS)-From $238/MD
Sample Collection (SAC)-From $88/Factory/MD
Supplier Audit
Simple Factory Audit (SFA)-From $238/MD
Factory Audit (FA)-From $418/MD
Social Accountability Audit (SA)-From $418/MD
C-TPAT Audit-From $418/MD
Environment Compliance Audit (ECA) -From $418/MD
Lab Testing-From $15/project
Compliance/Certification Consultant
Environment Compliance Audit (ECA) -From $418/MD

We offer an environmental audit protocol that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard (performance evaluation guidelines for environmental management systems).

The ISO 14001 family of standards addresses a wide range of items for environmental management, providing practical tools for organizations and companies looking to identify and control their environmental impact as well as constantly improve their environmental performance.

The Environmental Audit Program assesses factory compliance with local laws and regulations for environmental protection, as well as best practices based on ISO 14001 family of standards, which includes:

1. Legal requirements and risk assessment

2. Environmental management system

3. Solid and hazardous wastes

4. Waste water

5. Air emissions

6. Nuisance

7. Energy use, water use, CO² emissions

Chemical Control Audits

The Chemical Control Audit Programs use protocols based on the global environmental Detox® campaign, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals principles (ZDHC) or your own compliance requirements. Chemical Control Audits typically cover:

1. Management systems

2. Sub-supplier management

3. Incoming materials

4. Semi and finished products

5. Chemical-related production

6. Specific chemical controls

7. Waste management

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